Sunday 15 June 2014

8. Do you think teenagers today can relate to Holden?

I think that all teenagers, depending on their life experiences, could relate to Holden is all different ways. If you have experienced any type of loss, like Holden lost his brother you could relate to Holden. You can relate to Holden if you are suffering from a mental illness such as depression, if you have been kicked out of school, if you lie often, if you  even if you have a hat that makes you feel confident. There are so many different ways to relate to this character. In my opinion the most obvious way any teenager could relate to Holden would be the struggle of growing up. It is difficult growing up and almost everyone has to go through it, Holden included. Once you reach the age of about fourteen to seventeen, you have to decide to either start growing up or still act as child. This decision my seem obvious for some and not for other. For Holden it was not so obvious. It really depends on your outlook of adulthood and childhood. Holden is not your typical teenager. His personality, actions and experiences make him quite peculiar but I think that almost every teenager could find at least one thing in common with him, whether it be big or small.


  1. I definitely agree that most teenagers could find some way to relate to Holden. I personally relate to Holden through my strong bond with my sister.

  2. I agree that it depends on what type of person you are. Holden is a very stubborn and reckless kid that just wants to find his way in life. Although I wouldn't go to the extreme as to travel to New York City as Holden does, but I do feel a sense of understanding when it comes to Holden, I feel like I can relate to him because I have hard time trusting others and I like to go off and do my own thing and take risks.
